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Dotstory Moments

Dotstory Moments

Dotstory's cinematography service captures your story with breathtaking visuals and expertly crafted shots, ensuring your memories are preserved in stunning detail. Trust our team of experienced cinematographers to bring your vision to life on the big screen.

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Dotstory Cinematography

Dotstory's cinematography service captures your story with breathtaking visuals and expertly crafted shots, ensuring your memories are preserved in stunning detail. Trust our team of experienced cinematographers to bring your vision to life on the big screen.

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Whats Included ?

Trained Cinematographer
We only have the best
25mins Full Length Video
1 Mins Teaser
Fast Delivery
Within 3days*
Pay as per your need
Transparent billing
Backup Available
3 days free cloud backup
Affordable Pricing
Pocket friendly fees
10 mins
Buffer Time
Extra time for your convinience
Trained Cinematographer
We only have the best
25mins Full length video
1 mins teaser
Affordable Pricing
Pocket friendly fees
Fast Delivery
within 3 days*
Pay as per your need
Transparent billing
Backup Available
3 days free cloud backup
Free extra 10 Mins time
Extra time for extra memories at no cost
Frequently asked questions

Yes you will be receive teaser and full length edited video as per your plan.

No worries, we don't want you to stop posing. You can still continue with the service, however you will be charged  ₹299/- for every extra 15mins.

Example you booked a service for 60mins, and it started at 10Am and is scheduled to end at 11Am. If you want to enjoy the service more, after the grace period of 10 mins end. You shall be charge a fee of  ₹299/- for  the next 15mins. For more clarification feel free to reach out to us Contact Us

Ummm, Smart question. Kindly refer to the Refund Policy.

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Starting at ₹599/-
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